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Joined: July 1, 2006
Posts: 862
Posted: Post subject: BATTLE OF THE BATTLE STARS |
Ok it was getting ugly in another thread disscussing how much better the origional was over the new. Name were called, E-mails blocked, cats and dogs sleeping together..... It was sugested in a personal e-mail that people like to read these exchanges. I have to Agree with That Every body likes a good gore fest ( even if they don't admit it)
so here is my Take. You can't Compare them one was in the 70's one in post 9/11. one was on the big 3 the other was on basic cable.....
OBG (Origional Battle Star Galactica) was a clone of Star Wars trying to cash in an toy ships and action figures. But they knew if you don't have a enjoyable story no one will watch.
NBG (New Battle Star Galactica) Is Just Cashing in on established fan base. But they aren't making the same mistake and answering alot of questions that OBG over glossed
If you want to do Battle let this be your Arena and lits see who wants to watch[/b]
Will someone shut that man up
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Joined: July 1, 2006
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Ok, in a recent E-mail I recieved A fellow poster pointed out the hi number of viewer of "I don't like Where this is going" to the lower number of viewers to another post about the dark direction season/series 3 was taking. I have a few thoughts
First: Without permission or at least posting on this thread I will not name names but you can figure out who i'm talking about
Second: this poster is a strong suporter of free Speach and open debate that why i didn't answer in an E-mail
Third: an other poster has shown concern over negative comments made about NBG in the other thread that why started this thread and why i am not answering in the other thread.
Fourth: the low read thread was a preview of the season. a copy of an interview designed to get viewer interested in the new season/series. The Highly read thread is our discussion of the latest show and changes every week with a new eppisode of course you'll have more posts and more views. If you want to prove your point, start the negative posts on the other thread andlets see the view count go up.
Fifth: Taking an unwanted debate out of the party is considered go form. no one is saying your views are wrong just in the wrong forum
Sixth: Have much respect to the poster of the negative comments. he is well imformed, articulate and deffiantly a better speller than I , he is just ... Negative on his outlook.
Finaly: MAN I'm I long winded
Will someone shut that man up
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Joined: April 26, 2006
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Posted: Post subject: talking to the walls |
"No one will fight me!" Connor MacLeod, the Highlander
Okay cookie monster, I'm here---hey, where is everyone else?
Jeez, these cowards must think I'm stupid.
Well, I'll wait...then all bets, bargains and promises are off; I need to reload anyway.
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Joined: July 1, 2006
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Ok lets start with your theory on the number viewers shows what people are interested in. at this time there are 40 views of this thread. lets see what happens. from there. Check out Iswallowedabug blog on this subject. she is on your side.
Next, what about longevity. OBG barely lasted a season (2 if you count Galactica 80). NBG is a month into it's 3rd season.
how about names. Don't Sur names and Military Call signs make more sense than just one given name? there are few cultures that still use only one name.
Lee Adama's Accent (or lack there of) Was the American accent the actors choice or was it the casting Directors Choice?
Maybe it was to make Lee more like The Comander or less like Baltar
And lets finnish with, Why did they need 3 robots to pilot one fighter?
the raider is a better design.
Will someone shut that man up
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Joined: April 26, 2006
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Posted: Post subject: trivial pursuits |
We're up to 67 views, and we haven't even started? So, time to give our audience what they want.
Battlestar Galactica had more viewers when it was cancelled than NBG has now.
Bumblestore Galactiqueer was brought out to a real network---NBC---then rushed back to the shelter of a niche market station, the sci-fi channel. It survives there because informercial profits and lower expectations drive the self-reinforcing delusion that all is well; repeat a lie often enough, and it becomes the truth.
Call signs? Has anyone said "Talk to me, Goose" yet?
Cylon "fighters"---you mean those things that look like Commonwealth slipfighters off the Andromeda Ascendent?
3 to 1---I dunno. There was a pilot, co-pilot and a command unit to tell them what to do. Perhaps there were more robots per ship, because it was a raider; a way to quickly put more boots on the ground, is to put more personnel on each craft---gee, why didn't anyone else catch that?
Peabody award---woo...hoo. Winning an award in Hollyweird is much like being elected class president or prom queen; the end result of a pointless, inbred popularity contest. I'd have more respect for awards if NBG won the Razzie it deserves.
I've seen better acting, writing, and character development on the NBC "daytime drama" Days of Our Lives. They've been doing an hour a day, five days a week for decades; how a show so insipid stays on the air I don't know, but there it is.
What else you got?
Last edited by ninjabear on Thu Nov 09, 2006 12:55 am; edited 1 time in total |
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Joined: April 26, 2006
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Posted: Post subject: declare victory, then get out |
Cooky, you must be designated hitter for the rest of them.
I'm weary of this argument so I'm going to declare victory and get out, but I have two more very important questions.
1. We're looking at the exact same thing; ask yourself, "Why can ninjabear see it for the crud it is, and I cannot?" (nope, not budging a smegging inch)
2. More important, what creative works do not get a chance---what is it you're not getting because this crud is clogging up the available airtime?
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 valarules (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
sorry for not posting sonner but some of us have actual lives outside of this site. ok, here are my "arguments":
Pro: It had Lorne Greene (no further explination on that one).
Con: 1. It was a direct rip off from Star Wars. The first time I saw an episode I was confused as to if it was Star Wars or not. The Cylons looked like cheap knock offs of Stormtroopers.
2. The interior of Galatica and the uniforms were all beige or variations of beige. A little color never hurt.
3. The Cylon ships looked like Death Stars cut in half.
4. It seemed that at times it was way over acted.
5. There was Galactica 1980.
Pro: 1. More furtureistic but there are still elements from today's life that are presant in the show.
2. The word 'Frak'.
3. There's color.
4. It doesn't focus just on Galactica, there is more of a civilian presance in the show.
Con: 1. They take themselves to seriously. A little levity never hurt anyone.
2. They keep killing 6 over and over because there are "copies".
3. They got rid of most of the original cast and made Boomer and Starbuck girls.
Look, I didn't hear any screaming or squishing sounds.
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Joined: April 26, 2006
Posts: 546
Posted: Post subject: Oh gawds of Cobal! |
"Is it not written in the Electronic Bible, that the iron shall lay down with the lamp?" Kryten, from the BBC series Red Dwarf
You all seem so insistent, I asked a friend to download a few new episodes for me---I said I needed to reload, well praise the Lords of Cobol and pass the ammunition!
I was bored. This episode seemed to plod on with nothing exciting---not even humans humping androids; would those be the Stepford "whack a mole" Cylons or what?
At least beige is a color---drab, military---better than the gloomy gray that cast a pall over the washed out, piss-poor production. You want pretty colors? Join a cruise ship, not a combat vessel.
Rip off of Star Wars? Even George Lucas doesn't think so anymore---read your Bible!
What's your grudge against consumate actor Lorne Greene?
Raiders are convex, twin-engine saucers, not half spheres---read a geometry book.
Vala? There were screaming and squishing sounds; your attention must have wandered too.
If I wanted to see a suicide bomber blow up a class of police cadets, I'd watch CNN's coverage of Iraq.
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 valarules (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
If it wasn't a rip off of Star Wars then why did either George Lucas or his studio consider legal action against the producers over alleged similarities with the Star Wars saga?
And I'm saying that Lorne Greene on the show was a good thing.
I'm just saying that something other than the color brown would be nice.
To each his/her own.
Look, I didn't hear any screaming or squishing sounds.
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Joined: March 14, 2006
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Just to clarify the network wanted a "Star Wars" type TV show with aliens, robots, lasers, dogfights in space, and they got it. And it's true that Lucas tried to take legal action, while still in the courts the special effects people couldn't show lasers hitting the ships or some nonsense like that. Luckily the judge through it out but by then the show was canceled. Let's not forget that the special effects guys were also very late with their shots, they couldn't keep up with the schedule of a TV show compared to a movie. That's why you see the same space battle scenes or the Viper going super speed over and over again in mostly all of the episodes. The show was never canceled because of low ratings, it just cost too much money to produce, one $million an episode if I remember correctly and that's a lot for 1979. To cut costs they fired the entire cast and kept Lorne Greene for the horrible Galactica 1980.
Last edited by rayman on Thu Nov 09, 2006 8:44 pm; edited 1 time in total |
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 thenighthawk_PREV (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
*straps on his guns* OK I'll jump in the fight. Not that I don't love the original BSG for what it was; I own the whole thing on DVD but comapring the new to the old is like the new Shelby GT-500 compared to an Edsel.
First off, what I like about NBG as opposed to OBG:
In NBG pilots actually wear sealed space suits in their cockpits instead of suede jackets and kiddie helmets.
NBG is dirty and realistic in portraying a fleet that had to drop everything and run like Hell, as opposed to the nice clean look of OBG where even their refugee sleeping areas look like they have a decent maid service.
The Raiders are robots in their own right, and the Cylons have different models optimized for different roles. That's exactly what one would expect artificially intelligent machines to do. Why waste resources on a fighter that needs pilots? A piloted fighter (especially with a 3-"man" crew) has a bigger target profile, requires a lot of weight and internal space to be devoted to the cockpit, and reacts slower than a fighter that is in itself fully aware. The NBG Raiders have the advantage of direct-reflex action and reaction, responding immediately to stimuli without waiting for pilot input. That's part of the reason the US military is designing and building REAL autonomous warplanes. Same thing with the BaseStars. A ship that primarily thinks and reacts on its own has faster and smoother reactions than a ship that needs a huge crew to man consoles and push buttons. Yeah, the new BaseStars do take commands, but that's also done by direct interface with the system rather than pressing buttons, and it's still faster and makes more sense. The Cylons have Heavy Raiders that can carry Centurions into combat.
And speaking of Centurions, in NBG they can actually shoot straight. It's nice to see enemies that have more combat moves than just "stumble around shooting wildly". They don't talk, they have claws and machineguns, and they look like something that would scare the s--- out of you if you actually encountered one.
And let's face it, OBG did a lot of things that made no sense. They meet half a dozen other human settlements and groups on habitable planets all over the place. Why weren't any of them good enough to stop and settle down? Why did it have to be Earth, other than the fact it was in the script? There were plenty of places the fleet could have stopped and stayed. Each one was just as likely or unlikely to be attacked by the Cylons as Earth would be. At least in NBG there's a good reason demonstrated as to why they can't just settle anywhere they like. They only found 1 habitable planet and the Cylons found them due to Baltar's stupidity . OBG has plot holes you can fly a Battlestar through. NBG tries to close those holes.
Now there's some stuff about OBG I like, as opposed to NBG. I like the use of energy weapons. Here on real-life Earth we're on the cusp of developing such technology right now, and there are prototypes already out there. NBG's weapons tech still relies on bullets. I know they did it to push the "low on resources" thing but any society able to develop FTL travel should damn well be able to make a decent directed-energy weapon.
The Mark I Viper will always be a classic, even if it is a half-assed X-wing clone.
OBG actually used heavy shuttles for a lot of operations rather than taking Raptors, which granted are great multi-role ships, but using an armed combat vessel like a Raptor to ferry people back and forth between ships is a real waste of resources. The real military doesn't use Apaches or Stealth Bombers to transport people from base to base, even in a combat zone.
OBG had roughly a million refugee survivors, whereas there's only a little over 41,000 people left in NBG. Sure, that small of a number could likely blend in with the population of a planet like Earth quite readily, but I don't think it's really enough to re-start a whole civilization. Of course one could argue that makes Baltar's folly with New Caprica all the more apparent.
Basically they both have their good and bad points. OBG was great when I was 6, and will always have some place in my heart, but NBG is a more adult show for a more adult audience. It's more timely and people can more readily empathize with the characters and situations. OBG was grand space opera and pure fantasy where one gets a sense NBG could actually be happening right now a thousand light-years away. Maybe NBG does take itself a little too seriously, but NBG didn't take itself seriously enough. And as far as I'm concerned *waves hand in a Jedi-like motion* there is NO Glactica 1980.
Ni! |
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Joined: July 1, 2006
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Posted: Post subject: |
Battle 161 views, don't like 882. never said people didn't like to watch a good fight.
thanks Vala, rayman, and night hawk for chiming in. Bear, where are your supporters? more people are saying NBG is good then say that its bad. if last Tuesday taught us anything it's that majority rules.
Has any one Ever seen an origional cylon fighter land- EVER? and wouldn't 6 or 12 sets of metal boots be better than 3?
take an orb/sphare (A DeathStar) cut the top and bottom quartes off then remove the center take the top and bottom quarters and place a pillar in between them (Base Star)
There are rumors of bringing NBG to Wednesday on NBC oppisette Jericho.
Don't blame Galacitca for the decline of TV Blame Mark Burnnett.
We all love the Origional series ( its better than Space Academy and arguebly better than Lost in Space) But we've grown up is it too much to ask are tv to grow up too.
the color of the set is its costume, Galactica is a War ship she should look lika a war ship not a cruise ship.
I will grant you though, i'm not a fan of that Sheild style cinimatography either
Sorry Nighthawk, Your Jedi MindTricks have no effect on me HA HA HA
Galactica 80 happened accept it and move on
Will someone shut that man up
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Joined: March 14, 2006
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I thought this was a funny music video and it pretty much sums up why some of us like the new Battlestar Galactica. It's called "New Crew in Town" check it out.
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Joined: April 26, 2006
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Posted: Post subject: I concede nothing! |
This is a pointless argument. I can sit here and think up new and creative ways to tell the world why NBG should die, but you will only become more entrenched in your beliefs.
To those of us who loved the real thing, before the bastardization of Galactica 1980 and the perversion of this batter fried, dirt-encrusted turd on a stick...would it not be possible to give us fans at least a 2-hour movie? I mean just finish the thing! Round up as much of the original cast as possible, have them finally find Earth, up in the future where they can be a force to be reckoned with against the Cylons.
Give me that little, and I will cheerfully shut up and let you eat s--- in peace.
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Joined: July 1, 2006
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an OBG movie? That would be great! While where thinking of ways to reserect the origional concept lets consider other venues. Books, Graphic Novels, Animated series.... How much filming did Hatch do on his Idea? that could go right to home release. We all still love the Origional and feel Betrayed by Gaactica 80. but some of us moved on. Stop living in the past the rent is too high
Will someone shut that man up
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